
Adil Pur عادل پور topographic map

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About this map

Name: Adil Pur عادل پور topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Adil Pur عادل پور, Sindh, Pakistan (27.89807 69.27918 27.97807 69.35918)

Average elevation: 68 m

Minimum elevation: 64 m

Maximum elevation: 72 m

Other topographic maps

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Pakistan > Sindh > Hyderabad District

Average elevation: 21 m

Liaquatabad Town

Pakistan > Sindh > Karachi Division

Average elevation: 23 m


Pakistan > Sindh

Average elevation: 9 m


Pakistan > Sindh

Average elevation: 37 m

Mirpur Mathelo

Pakistan > Sindh

Average elevation: 71 m


Pakistan > Sindh

Average elevation: 40 m


Pakistan > Sindh

Average elevation: 42 m


Pakistan > Sindh

Average elevation: 63 m


Pakistan > Sindh

Average elevation: 13 m


Pakistan > Sindh

Average elevation: 11 m


Pakistan > Sindh

Average elevation: 48 m

Keti Bandar

Pakistan > Sindh

Average elevation: 0 m


Pakistan > Sindh > Nawabshah

Average elevation: 31 m

DHA Phase 7

Pakistan > Sindh > Karachi

Average elevation: 7 m


Pakistan > Sindh > Karachi > Saddar

Average elevation: 14 m

Landhi Town

Pakistan > Sindh > Karachi

Average elevation: 19 m

Paradise Point

Pakistan > Sindh

Average elevation: 7 m

Karachi Division

Pakistan > Sindh

Karachi lies very close to a major fault line, where the Indian tectonic plate meets the Arabian tectonic plate. Within the city of Karachi are two small ranges: the Khasa Hills and Mulri Hills, which lie in the northwest and act as a barrier between North Nazimabad and Orangi. Karachi's hills are barren and…

Average elevation: 89 m


Pakistan > Sindh > Keria

Average elevation: 28 m


Pakistan > Sindh > Hyderabad

Located at 25.367 °N latitude and 68.367 °E longitude with an elevation of 13 metres (43 ft), Hyderabad is located on the east bank of the Indus River and is roughly 150 kilometres (93 mi) away from Karachi, the provincial capital. Two of Pakistan's largest highways, the Indus Highway and the National…

Average elevation: 28 m


Pakistan > Sindh > Karachi

Average elevation: 9 m