
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina topographic map

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About this map

Name: Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina (42.60263 15.72874 45.23111 19.04991)

Average elevation: 557 m

Minimum elevation: -3 m

Maximum elevation: 2,380 m

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Bosnia and Herzegovina > Republika Srpska > Mazoče

Average elevation: 1,166 m

Republika Srpska

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Republika Srpska covers 24,816.2 square kilometres (9,582 square miles), excluding the Brčko District, which is held in condominium by both entities, but is de facto sovereign within Bosnia and Herzegovina. Republika Srpska, if it were a country, would be 146th largest in the world. Elevation varies greatly,…

Average elevation: 522 m

Brčko District

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Average elevation: 157 m


Bosnia and Herzegovina > Republika Srpska

Average elevation: 1,270 m


Bosnia and Herzegovina > Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina > Grad Visoko

The Visoko municipality covers 232 square kilometres with several characteristic, morphologically distinctive valleys formed by the foothills of the Central Bosnian mountains including Ozren, Vranica and Zvijezda. The altitude of the region ranges from 400 to 1,050 metres. Visoko's natural environment is…

Average elevation: 527 m


Bosnia and Herzegovina > Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina > City of Zenica

The city is geographically located in the heart of Bosnia. The settled area is 43.01 km2 (16.61 sq mi) and of the city proper covers 558.5 km2 (215.6 sq mi). Elevation is 310–350 m (1,017–1,148 ft). The rivers Bosna, Lašva, Babina, and Kočeva flow through the settlement. A moderate continental climate…

Average elevation: 730 m


Bosnia and Herzegovina > Republika Srpska > Rijeka

Average elevation: 1,060 m